The TULIP design emerges from the need to create a unique piece inspired by a flower. However, more than utilizing its colors and petals, it draws inspiration from the elegant shape of a flower and its ability to shelter a miniature world within its core.
Breaking away from the traditional form of a wristwatch, where the dial displaying the time is at the center of the design, TULIP prioritizes the shape and beauty of the piece. Functionality is allowed to adapt to the design, rather than the other way around.
Sketch vs Final design.
Final look.
The final design ended up being a blend of fine and reflective jewelry, combining matte textures with polished finishes.
Surprisingly, this piece drastically changes its appearance depending on the viewing angle. The top view most closely resembles a tulip, while the frontal view allows us to grasp the complexity of the piece from a single perspective, inviting us to lean in and explore more.

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